Tackle company insolvency with a Company Voluntary Arrangement
A Company Voluntary Arrangement could help you repay company debts, deal with insolvency – and give you much-needed breathing space.
Act now on your MVL to beat the tax changes
This guide explains the MVL process, outlines the current tax advantages and delves into the upcoming changes
What is a pre-pack administration?
Let’s look at the what, why and how of pre-pack administration.
Why would a company strike-off be suspended?
Understand why a company strike-off may be suspended, from creditor
objections to legal disputes and tax investigations. Ensure a smooth closure with FA Simms.
The director’s guide to business rescue
What is business rescue? If your business is approaching insolvency, what can you do now to recover the situation? We review your options.
What is company administration?
‘What is company administration?’ Explore the definition, process and benefits of company administration. Could it be a solution for your business?
Understanding limited liability
Everything you need to know about limited liability as a company director or shareholder. Insolvency support and business rescue solutions.
Can I liquidate my company and start again?
Our experts explore the process of liquidating a company, including the proper procedures to take so you can embark on a new venture.
Sole trader vs limited company
Sole trader vs limited company is an important consideration when starting on a new business venture. We look at pros and cons when choosing between them.
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